A selection of images for use as desktop wallpapers. Available in three common screen resolutions.
Instructions - PC
Left-click the link, allow the image to load, and then right-click and choose "Set as Wallpaper" or "Set as Background".
Alternatively, right-click the links and choose "Save Target As...".
Instructions - Macintosh
Control-click on the link and choose "Save Link to Disk".
Alternatively, click the link, let the image load and then choose "Save Image To Disk" after control-clicking on it.

800 x 600

1024 x 768

1600 x 1200

800 x 600

1024 x 768

1600 x 1200

800 x 600

1024 x 768

1600 x 1200

800 x 600

1024 x 768

1600 x 1200

800 x 600

1024 x 768

1600 x 1200

800 x 600

1024 x 768

1600 x 1200

800 x 600

1024 x 768

1600 x 1200

800 x 600

1024 x 768

1600 x 1200

800 x 600

1024 x 768

1600 x 1200

800 x 600

1024 x 768

1600 x 1200

800 x 600

1024 x 768

1600 x 1200

800 x 600

1024 x 768

1600 x 1200

800 x 600

1024 x 768

1600 x 1200

800 x 600

1024 x 768

1600 x 1200

Hosted by Inno-Tech John Pearse Strings Design by Travis Tiffin Contact Dave Sharp Contact the webmaster